
S2:被Cloudflare收购 强化浏览器安全

【200108 BUSINESS WIRE】 Cloudflare, Inc., (NYSE: NET), the security, performance, and reliability company helping to build a better Internet, today announced that it has acquired S2 Systems Corporation (S2), a company that has developed patented browser isolation technology to make everyday web browsing safer and faster. Following this acquisition, Cloudflare expects to add S2’s technology to Cloudflare Gateway, part of Cloudflare for Teams, a new security suite that is designed to protect corporate employees and data without sacrificing performance.

【谷歌翻译 未经校对】帮助建立更好的互联网的安全,性能和可靠性公司Cloudflare,Inc.(纽约证券交易所:NET)今天宣布,已收购S2 Systems Corporation(S2),这是一家该公司开发了获得专利的浏览器隔离技术,可以使日常网络浏览更加安全,快捷。收购完成后,Cloudflare希望将S2的技术添加到Cloudflare Gateway(Cloudflare for Teams的一部分)中,Cloudflare是Teams的一部分,这是一种新的安全套件,旨在保护企业员工和数据而不会牺牲性能。

S2, based in Kirkland, Washington, has developed browser isolation technology that executes browser code on cloud servers rather than on a user’s device. The solution keeps security threats away from the device, only sending rendering instructions to the viewer’s browser. Users navigate the Internet without adding risk posed by threats across the public Internet.


Existing solutions typically rely on streaming video of web content (pixel streaming) or attempting to sanitize known malicious content (DOM reconstruction) that forces users to make a tradeoff between security and performance. S2’s approach is designed to avoid this tradeoff. Cloudflare expects that S2’s technology will be able to protect endpoints from zero-day vulnerabilities without sacrificing speed, website compatibility, or user experience.

现有的解决方案通常依赖于Web内容的流视频(像素流)或试图清理已知的恶意内容(DOM重构),从而迫使用户在安全性和性能之间进行权衡。 S2的方法旨在避免这种折衷。 Cloudflare期望S2的技术能够在不牺牲速度,网站兼容性或用户体验的情况下保护端点免受零日漏洞的侵害。

“The experienced team at S2 Systems has built an advanced technology that we believe surpasses other browser isolation technologies,” said Matthew Prince, co-founder and CEO of Cloudflare. “When we met their team and evaluated the technology they’ve built, we knew that they had the missing piece we needed to support our Gateway product and build out our new Cloudflare for Teams capabilities. We can’t wait to integrate their stellar team within Cloudflare and utilize their remarkable technology in our platform as we continue to help build a better Internet.”

“ Cloudflare联合创始人兼首席执行官Matthew Prince说:“ S2 Systems经验丰富的团队已经建立了一种先进的技术,我们相信它已经超越了其他浏览器隔离技术。” “当我们与他们的团队会面并评估他们所构建的技术时,我们知道他们缺少支持我们的Gateway产品并构建我们新的Cloudflare for Teams功能所需的组件。我们迫不及待想要将他们的一流团队整合到Cloudflare中,并在我们的平台中利用他们卓越的技术,因为我们将继续帮助建立更好的Internet。

“Cloudflare’s team is nimble and mission-led, and we felt there were great synergies across our teams and alignment across our ambitions and goals. Their ability to run code at the edge—the way it should be run—is unlike anything we’ve seen before, and we’re excited to join our technology with their existing platform,” said Darren Remington, co-founder of S2 Systems. “In joining Cloudflare’s team,” said David Harnett, co-founder and CEO of S2 Systems, “we truly feel that we can make a difference across the whole Internet, by making it faster, better, and safer for all users.”

“ Cloudflare的团队灵活敏捷,以任务为主导,我们感到团队之间有着巨大的协同作用,并且雄心勃勃,雄心勃勃。 S2 Systems联合创始人Darren Remington表示:“他们在边缘运行代码的能力(应以运行方式)与我们之前所见过的不同,我们很高兴将我们的技术与他们现有的平台结合在一起。 S2 Systems联合创始人兼首席执行官David Harnett表示:“加入Cloudflare团队后,我们真正地感到,我们可以通过为所有用户提供更快,更好,更安全的互联网来改变整个Internet。

Customers and industry peers agree:


Amit Mital, former CTO of Symantec and current CEO of Kernel Labs said, “S2’s technology is an innovative approach that changes the fundamental calculus for remote browser isolation. When combined with the global Cloudflare network and edge compute capabilities of Cloudflare Workers, it represents a revolution of the browser and how we securely interact with the web.”

赛门铁克前首席技术官兼内核实验室现任首席执行官Amit Mital说:“ S2的技术是一种创新方法,它改变了远程浏览器隔离的基本原理。当与Cloudflare Workers的全球Cloudflare网络和边缘计算功能结合使用时,它代表了浏览器的革命以及我们如何安全地与Web交互。

“We have been testing S2’s cloud browser and are blown away by the capabilities of this system. We’ve evaluated other remote browser isolation solutions and the S2 Systems approach is an exciting breakthrough in this space,” said John Carreno, VP IT Infrastructure and Operations at ARS.

“我们一直在测试S2的云浏览器,但被该系统的功能所震撼。我们已经评估了其他远程浏览器隔离解决方案,并且S2 Systems方法是该领域令人激动的突破。” ARS IT基础架构和运营副总裁John Carreno说。

“Our company is a national consulting firm serving enterprise clients who need a web browsing solution that provides security without compromising user experience or website compatibility,” said Ryan Janzen, Managing Partner at Teleion Consulting. “The S2 cloud browser checks every box. It is not only transparent, but faster than regular browsing.”

Teleion Consulting执行合伙人Ryan Janzen说:“我们公司是一家全国性的咨询公司,为需要网络浏览解决方案的企业客户提供服务,该解决方案可以在不影响用户体验或网站兼容性的情况下提供安全性。” “ S2云浏览器会选中每个框。它不仅透明,而且比常规浏览更快。

S2’s founding team members are former senior Microsoft employees and have strong backgrounds in Enterprise technology. As a result of the acquisition, the S2 team has joined Cloudflare and is located at Cloudflare’s new office in the Seattle metropolitan area.


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【整体并购】Akamai:并购Janrain 布局CIAM
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【网络安全】360企业安全:获融¥9亿 投后估值¥206.5亿

